I was starting to complain to myself earlier today, and then I was listening to the news and I thought well I don't have to hop in a boat while all my friends and families get pulled into the ocean and feel guilty that I was the only survivor. I don't have a terminal illness, a sick child, nothing to eat, a cheating husband, a broken bone, a cat throwing up on the carpet, a son in Iraq, or even a cavity. So no complaining goes on the blog. Only my humble observations and gratitude for living.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Yazaman Nuevo Morgana - Danza del Vientre - Belly Dancing
inspiration of the day... I have been bad his past week and I haven't been practicing HOWEVER, today I will get back on my 1 hour a day plan.
dreamy balboa dancers
this clip was taken in Paris France. that's Sylvia and Nick dancing at the beggining. Sylvia livese in Santa Barbara and Nick live in LA. the first time I saw balboa dancing was in DC at the Spanish Ballroom- it was Carla and Steve B. -(thinking back I thnk they were only doing real short sections of balboa with pretty basic stuff ....but I remember thinking WOW I have to learn that! hahahaha! shortly after Carla taught me the basic....and wasn't long after that I would begged for more! Soon I was totally addicted. Next thing you know I was following Sylvia around the country taking workshops & dancing and taking lessons from david rehm at home....then I met Marina and she became my instant best friend and balboa doctor---what a fun adventure it's all been- still learning and getting ready to travel again for balboa. If you haven't learned how to dance balboa yet, don't waste another day, month...year! Look for lessons in your area....balboa- coming soon!!
big savion performing Classical Glover
saw this show at Duke and in Maryland. One of the most brillant, hardworking people on the planet. Thank God for Savion.
Challenge Scene from Tap -- Sammy Davis Jr., Gregory Hines,
I am in video clip heaven tonight. This is only the billionith time I am watched this clip.
Lindy Hop - Hellzapoppin (1941)
Whitey's Lindy Hoppers excerpt from "Hellzapoppin" (1941) featuring Frankie Manning (in the Mechanic's Dungarees).
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
the artist's Way Workbook

so after a day of worrrying about Dean and hectic errands I decided I needed to get out for a drive to Barnes and Noble.
I ended up buying four books which I am super excited about. One of the books is called "the ARTISTS WAY" . I had driven there thinking I just wanted to look for a book I had lent to someone four years ago that they had not returned to me yet but then found myself looking at this book....a couple of lines caught my eye and I ended up with it and it's companion workbook. I just spent an hour reading the first part of the workbook and I am very hopeful that this book with open some doors for me. I can't wait examine my first week of morning writings so I can loook at the pages and try to figure out what's best for me from day to day.
I also got a book called The Art of Practicing - A Guide to Making Music From the Heart - I plalyed piano for about 12 years before I went to college and had no piano to play once I moved from home - - A problem I had with piano is that I never thougtht I was good enough to play in front of people- I almost always practiced with no one in the house and when I was living with my parents for a period of time a couple of years ago I only played it when my parents were gone. The last time I remember playing in front of people was one of my dreaded recitals. I somehow got through with no mistakes but I specifically remember thinking the clapping was simply courtesy and the smiles I saw on some faces seemed fake and, it seemed as if they clapped to encourage my speed so the next person could begin the next performance. It's so crazy I kept it up for so long. It was a painful process. Anyway, I can put words on why I bought this book completely but I guess one reason I bought this book is I am hoping to extract some anwsers on what the Art of Practicing Is in this persons opinion- I actually have some strong views on this-...if I learn one more good thing I can do to improve my practice of whatever I am practicing(dance or art or school) it will be worth the read to me.
The other book i bought is called How Doctors Think. After what I have been through with Dean and Myself this past year I am curious what this book has to say. Maybe I can learn some way to manipulate a doctor into doing their best for me and my husband.
frustrated to flustrated

I vote to change the word frustrated to flustrated.
It's one of my many words which I heard wrong and learned wrong...but then when I learned I was saying it wrong, I decided that my word was better and decided to keep it forever.
Doesn't it make more sense? fluster....flustrated.
Here is a sample sentence(and it's true too). Dean was very flustrated today because he had such awful pain in his abdomen I had to take him to urgent care AGAIN! He just can't believe all these sicknesses can happen to one person and either can I.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
underline this: some people are a problem
I copied the following quote from an article I just read from The Independent in Blacksburgy VA(written by David Usborne).
"Too much, too soon," says Thomas Watkins, an adjunct history professor who teaches in Norris Hall, where 30 people were massacred. "I don't think they should have released this as quickly as they did." For him, however, the main lesson of this tragedy is underlined by the tapes: that guns must go.
"It's the gun culture and I just don't understand. And then you see those gun lobby folks writing to the newspapers saying that if students had been able to carry guns anywhere on campus it wouldn't have happened. Well, that's all we need, a bunch of yahoos running around with weapons."
....ANYWAY, I would just like to say to the world that TO ME guns are not the issue. If this guy did not have a gun then he would have gotten his hands on something else to kill people...he could have lite the dorms on fire...figured out how to blow a building up, poisened the cities water or many other things-.
Every decision a person makes is based on everything that happens in there eyes to them to that point. So what he told us on the video tape he had no choice but to do what he did....well with what info he had up to that point he made his decision based on what HE KNEW(in his own crzy mind). Anyway, he knew he could get a gun and decided that method but without that method there would have been another one. If you take away guns then they will still be around only we will have no control on the gun control. And to me that's worse. wouldn't you rather know who has what. You have to get permits etc...and then we know who's gun fired what bullet etc. Drugs are illegal but they are still everywhere...and if you have money then you can pretty much get what ever you want...so if guns were a problem then mabye we should have laws on how much money you can have.
If guns were illegal then everyone that had a gun would be a criminal..and then we would have even more crimnals. Also, the thing that most buglars are worried about is that the person is home and they have a gun...and if we can't have guns then they would not be worried at all. And cho picked the school to do this becuase he KNEW THERE wouldn't be anyone with a GUN at school! so it was ideal for him. So the dude who said the thing about having guns on campus is correct. If students were allowed to have guns on campus he mighta thought twice...but then cho woulda done something else that may habe then even more destructive. So anyway, I don't think students should really feel they have to carry guns but they should have the right to have a gun and if they get a permit to carry a gun on body all the time FINE! It's just some PEOPLE have big problems...and some people will always have problems so...we can't outlaw every little thing they do wrong with. People do wrong with money all the time and we still have plenty of that going around.
Oh I am so tired I can't even write out what I thnk tongiht. I am SO BUSY and So worn OUT! I can't write. BUTI will say that I have three hand gun permits I bought last year and maybe I will go buy a gun before they say I can't because of assholes like Cho or whatever the fuck his name is.
even know I was upset when the maturity factor at my house went down this week when my H and his brothere bought two more guns this week because of this incident. I wish they woulda done this in at least a few weeks...it just kinda shocked me....even know I am for US citizens being able to have guns.
I am really sorry to all the V tech family and friends. It's sad and unfair and has runined your lives for now and maybe forever.
And I am sad and sorry to the cho's family for I am sure their lives are totally different and in ruins.
--I always try to figure out how to write this followoing thing but it never come out so anyone gets it but I like trying.....I believe God knows every choice before we make it even know he gives us free choice. he gives us choice but is so all smart he knows what choice we will make at each point because he knows us as well as we know us. so he knew this would happen. so the stuff about him having a plan has to be true ...so it's part of the plan...and we know the plan is good because he made it. so we will be ok. Thnk about it. Every choice you make is based on all the info you already know up to that point or moment. You only had one choice so you made your choice. You can't have two choices at once REALLY. So if you think back about how you wished you woulda made a different choice at one moment...if you ponder it you will realize...WELL I could not have really made a different choice because that was all I could do at that moment...then maybe you get what I mean. You gotta be pretty intense to try and see what I am saying or really freaking bored. One day I will figure out some beautiful way to write about what I figured out about this.
underline this: guns are not the problem, some people are a problem
Monday, April 02, 2007
Bobby the STONE MASTER and other happy things
our upstairs gas fireplace is now officallly stoned. the best part of all is it was all totally legal. bobby wilmoth, my new best friend, is the one who actually did the work of stoning and who I think is the STONE MASTER of GREENSBORO did the work. Next on his agenda is to stone the hole he made in our house....you see we had him cut a hole in the house to make the kitchen- family room bigger and add a wood burning stove....SO the hole is cut and he already laid the block...so tomorrow he starts stoning that.
The fireplace looks so good I have fallen in love with it. So now I have four loves, my husband, my cat, my fireplace, AND MY BRAND SPANKING new GAS POWERED leaf blower that I just bought at 8 PM this evening(it was love at first sight).
So my gas powered leaf blower is the kind that you wear like a backpack. It blows 165 mile per hour wind. It's faster than a hurricane. I am going to blow my whole yard ( and maybe a car or two) over to my neighbors house(JK). So mad that my husband forgot the GAS so I have to send him out early for that tomorrow...heehee.
Another reason to be happy is Dean and I decided to make a stone path that goes from our back patio to the middle of the backyard in between fire trees...which I am calling the CIRCLE OF FIRE...because we are putting our firepit there. So I racked the path and aread...and Dean dug the hole for the Firepit....and it already is looking awesome..... Bobby, the stone MASTER of GB is dumping me off a truck load of sand for twenty bucks in the AM...he is the nicest guy in the whole world. We bought the weed blocker material today...we are going to put down two layers of it and then put the sand on top....and then Bobby is going to drop me off litterally a whole TON of rock....and then Dean and I are going to STONE it. we are doing such a good job I can't believe it. Although Dean makes me do all the hard work!
....Dean had a birthday last week....he is twenty-four!! He is getting kinda old!!!....but since he is the best husband ever I'll keep him.
Ok, I gotta get to bed as I can't wait for tomorrow when I get to play with sand and send leaves into my neighbors yard at 165 miles an hour.
one last thing. I am planning on going to HERRANG, SWEDEN to dance for two weeks at Herrang Dance camp...right after Greensboro's summer swimming season! Life is good.