Thursday, April 19, 2007

underline this: some people are a problem

I copied the following quote from an article I just read from The Independent in Blacksburgy VA(written by David Usborne).
"Too much, too soon," says Thomas Watkins, an adjunct history professor who teaches in Norris Hall, where 30 people were massacred. "I don't think they should have released this as quickly as they did." For him, however, the main lesson of this tragedy is underlined by the tapes: that guns must go.

"It's the gun culture and I just don't understand. And then you see those gun lobby folks writing to the newspapers saying that if students had been able to carry guns anywhere on campus it wouldn't have happened. Well, that's all we need, a bunch of yahoos running around with weapons."

....ANYWAY, I would just like to say to the world that TO ME guns are not the issue. If this guy did not have a gun then he would have gotten his hands on something else to kill people...he could have lite the dorms on fire...figured out how to blow a building up, poisened the cities water or many other things-.

Every decision a person makes is based on everything that happens in there eyes to them to that point. So what he told us on the video tape he had no choice but to do what he did....well with what info he had up to that point he made his decision based on what HE KNEW(in his own crzy mind). Anyway, he knew he could get a gun and decided that method but without that method there would have been another one. If you take away guns then they will still be around only we will have no control on the gun control. And to me that's worse. wouldn't you rather know who has what. You have to get permits etc...and then we know who's gun fired what bullet etc. Drugs are illegal but they are still everywhere...and if you have money then you can pretty much get what ever you if guns were a problem then mabye we should have laws on how much money you can have.

If guns were illegal then everyone that had a gun would be a criminal..and then we would have even more crimnals. Also, the thing that most buglars are worried about is that the person is home and they have a gun...and if we can't have guns then they would not be worried at all. And cho picked the school to do this becuase he KNEW THERE wouldn't be anyone with a GUN at school! so it was ideal for him. So the dude who said the thing about having guns on campus is correct. If students were allowed to have guns on campus he mighta thought twice...but then cho woulda done something else that may habe then even more destructive. So anyway, I don't think students should really feel they have to carry guns but they should have the right to have a gun and if they get a permit to carry a gun on body all the time FINE! It's just some PEOPLE have big problems...and some people will always have problems so...we can't outlaw every little thing they do wrong with. People do wrong with money all the time and we still have plenty of that going around.

Oh I am so tired I can't even write out what I thnk tongiht. I am SO BUSY and So worn OUT! I can't write. BUTI will say that I have three hand gun permits I bought last year and maybe I will go buy a gun before they say I can't because of assholes like Cho or whatever the fuck his name is.

even know I was upset when the maturity factor at my house went down this week when my H and his brothere bought two more guns this week because of this incident. I wish they woulda done this in at least a few just kinda shocked me....even know I am for US citizens being able to have guns.

I am really sorry to all the V tech family and friends. It's sad and unfair and has runined your lives for now and maybe forever.
And I am sad and sorry to the cho's family for I am sure their lives are totally different and in ruins.

--I always try to figure out how to write this followoing thing but it never come out so anyone gets it but I like trying.....I believe God knows every choice before we make it even know he gives us free choice. he gives us choice but is so all smart he knows what choice we will make at each point because he knows us as well as we know us. so he knew this would happen. so the stuff about him having a plan has to be true it's part of the plan...and we know the plan is good because he made it. so we will be ok. Thnk about it. Every choice you make is based on all the info you already know up to that point or moment. You only had one choice so you made your choice. You can't have two choices at once REALLY. So if you think back about how you wished you woulda made a different choice at one moment...if you ponder it you will realize...WELL I could not have really made a different choice because that was all I could do at that moment...then maybe you get what I mean. You gotta be pretty intense to try and see what I am saying or really freaking bored. One day I will figure out some beautiful way to write about what I figured out about this.

underline this: guns are not the problem, some people are a problem


At 10:11 PM, April 19, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...


I misplaced my daytimer a couple times recently so I decided to input everyone into my computer as a backup. I came across your name and wondered what happened to you. I did a google search and found your blog.

I haven't read much of your blog, but apparently you are married and live in Greensboro NC. The DC swing scene misses you! Last weekend was DCLX and I had a great time. I see you are planning on going to Sweden this summer. I haven't been there, but I'm sure it will be great fun.

Do you have any plans to come to DC? If so, let me know. I'd love to catch up with you.

Take care,

Jim Musgrave

At 7:27 PM, April 24, 2007, Blogger Dr. Bruce Kirchoff said...


I once heard Joseph Campbell tell a story about meeting an Indian guru. As his first question Joseph asked (approximately): You teach that you must approach life with great openness, but look at the world there is so much pain and suffering. So much of it seems pointless. But if you say "no" to that, if you close it off from your experience and wish it would end, you close yourself off from part of the world. How can you say "no" to evil and yet remain open to the world?"
The guru smiled deeply and replied "For you and I, we must say 'Yes.'"

It turns out that this is the first question that he asked his guru when he began his training.

Perhaps this is what you are tying to get at in your last paragraphs.

On the gun issue, we will have to speak another time.


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