Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cirque du Soleil Saltimbanco

dean and I went to cirque du soleil tonight-the show was awesome- WOW, perfect mix of music and acrobatics on a intimate stage - there are two more shows tomorrow in Greensboring and any seat is they will move you up since there is a poor show up- you should GO because if you all don't go we will be lucky if they ever want to come back here again cuz our attendance is lame. I think this show was even better than last year. wow! and the nice thing is that you can leave for a show at 7 PM and be home in bed by 10:30 - perfect for my attention span and hurting body. Dr. R gave me a nerve block in C5 C6 area yesturday...I think it is starting to kick in...full effect to be at the end of 2 weeks...i hope to go dance in dc then- fingers crossed.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

OMG, my cat has lost his little mind. He's put up his own website:

he must of done that between sleeping and sleeping.