the artist's Way Workbook

so after a day of worrrying about Dean and hectic errands I decided I needed to get out for a drive to Barnes and Noble.
I ended up buying four books which I am super excited about. One of the books is called "the ARTISTS WAY" . I had driven there thinking I just wanted to look for a book I had lent to someone four years ago that they had not returned to me yet but then found myself looking at this book....a couple of lines caught my eye and I ended up with it and it's companion workbook. I just spent an hour reading the first part of the workbook and I am very hopeful that this book with open some doors for me. I can't wait examine my first week of morning writings so I can loook at the pages and try to figure out what's best for me from day to day.
I also got a book called The Art of Practicing - A Guide to Making Music From the Heart - I plalyed piano for about 12 years before I went to college and had no piano to play once I moved from home - - A problem I had with piano is that I never thougtht I was good enough to play in front of people- I almost always practiced with no one in the house and when I was living with my parents for a period of time a couple of years ago I only played it when my parents were gone. The last time I remember playing in front of people was one of my dreaded recitals. I somehow got through with no mistakes but I specifically remember thinking the clapping was simply courtesy and the smiles I saw on some faces seemed fake and, it seemed as if they clapped to encourage my speed so the next person could begin the next performance. It's so crazy I kept it up for so long. It was a painful process. Anyway, I can put words on why I bought this book completely but I guess one reason I bought this book is I am hoping to extract some anwsers on what the Art of Practicing Is in this persons opinion- I actually have some strong views on this-...if I learn one more good thing I can do to improve my practice of whatever I am practicing(dance or art or school) it will be worth the read to me.
The other book i bought is called How Doctors Think. After what I have been through with Dean and Myself this past year I am curious what this book has to say. Maybe I can learn some way to manipulate a doctor into doing their best for me and my husband.
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