me neck bad
ok so me an me husband always feel like shhhitttt...he may have to have shoulder have nerve damage and what he is in pain....and I am always feelign like takes me all day to get my sht together enough to turn on the TV and feed my cat...every couple of days I get a Dr P is seeing me on Thursday , i got an MRI on Saturday at 9 was a freaking miracle I was able to get to that early appointment...and I actually made it to class monday I skipped class AGAIN...I have to get like 2 weeks of notes for an exam next tues..and have an exam tommorwo and one thursdee...ok so now that it is 6 PM finally gonna study for tommorows nightmire 8 am sucks right now. I think I still have a chiari malformaiton...the films don't look right to me.
so upsetting. dean and I may just go ahead and buy a house here in the GB area cuz he got an opportnity to do a biochem research he is interested the deal is that I get to travel to go dancing...that is when I feel well enough to do so. I figure I will try and travel every 6 weeks to a dance weekend to make up for the lameness of GB....because other than there being no great dancing here greensboro is cool. nice weather and no traffic and whatnot.