Friday, August 03, 2007

august 1, 2007 birthday

birthday cake in the garage(we were afraid of fire in the house).
there may be a lot of candles but I still have the lungs of a five year old.


At 2:57 PM, August 08, 2007, Blogger TS said...

Wow, we're getting old! I have the Rockville HS reunion in a couple of weeks. When we were young we always said we'd be neighbors when we got older, I guess things don't always work out as you expect when you are 7 years old. But for Francie & Vicki it did, they live a few houses away from each other. Although I do have a childhood friend that lives a few doors down from me.
Take Care,

At 3:08 PM, August 12, 2007, Blogger Jean said...

yeah, I remember us planning that. that's awesome about Francie and vicki. :) jean


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