life @ 1930's cabin and surgery monday

last night we arrived in ashville. for our first night we stayed at the Renaisance Hotel. It was very similar to one of the places we stayed in Fiji so I really liked our room. Before dinner we walked around and went to a few shops. Dean bought me a really nice bellydance hip's the best one I have ever seen. I may have to go back and get some for my friends from DC. We went to a fancy resturant last night and had a great dinner..unfortunately neither of us remember what it was called. We rented the new Zodiac movie and it was really good. I had seen the first movie and so I was super interested. This movie had a lot more information then the first. I slept really well until someone called me at 8 AM..i think it was someone who was suppose to be at our house on Monday to do not only was he late he woke me on vacation....oh well
... I can't believe how many times my phone rang today. One of the calls was my doctor who is going to do my neck sugery on MONDAY, the 14th of May. It will be at Wake Forest University. I am having some anxiety about this surgery...more so then the last one. It sounds really uncomfotable. They use a hook to pull your esophagus and trachea etc (they go in from the front)....and apparently you have a major problem swallowing afterwards...sometimes you have to get a tube down your nose to eat for a couple since I am a real baby about sore throats I am dreading the surgery. Another things that sucks is we are having such a good vaction right now we were thinking of just staying on vacation for a while and going to Tennesse and New Orleans but now I have to go to Wake Forest on Friday for an appointment at 8:45 AM...only one day after I swore never to agree to a morning commitment that early again. I had to though because the only other choice was to delay the sugery a few weeks and I rather get it over with. So now we have to come back home Thursday.
Today we moved to a cabin I found online. It's called the Log Cabin Motor Court. It's so cool and our cabin name is Sleepy Susan. We have one room with a fireplace and a gas stove right beside it. It has a small full kitchen and a bathroom. A nice touch is wireless so I can chk email and the stockmarket, which by the way...AGN is up to 123.64...a new high for me. This cabin is circa 1930. It has a front porch and some rocking chairs and a table. We are going to stay her until we have to leave. Last night we paid twice the money but this is much cooler. We already want to come back to stay her in the snow even know we have two mountain homes to stay at for's just so cute!! I wish we could stay here until Sunday.
Today we went to teh Biltmore Estate and we did an audio tour(very well done) of the house. It was really amazing. Dean's favorite room was the billards room. My favorite was the Library. It would be so cool if we could actually look at some of othe books. They looked really rare. In my opinion it is the nicest house in the World. It beats Versailles. After going through the house we walked all the gardens and walked to the bass pond. There were some huge fist in there and some baby ducks! We ate a nice lunch at the cafe located next to the house. The food was excellent. We also had a giant icecream cone with homemade icecream.,,,yum!
Tomorrow we are going to go on a five hour trail ride and then we are going to go to the Hot Springs Spa to soak and have a massage. Dean wants to go to some rock museum but I hope to wear him out on the trail ride ;) . He has an obssesion with rocks. Well I am going to go to the Fresh Market to pick up some food. I want to make Dean a nice dinner since we have paid for a kitchen...and get some marhmellows/chocolates for the fire.
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