Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Meet the Robinsons! - movie of the YEAR so far....

you all have to go see the movie meet the robinsons. It was so great. It had a great message too. Apparently, at some theaters it's in 3 D!!! I am actually considering seeing it again in 3 D.

Please go see it and tell me what you think.


At 2:21 PM, September 13, 2007, Blogger Marstown Observatory said...


I notice that you have an interest in 3D imagery. Same here.

After seeing some of the work done by a friend a few years ago I have done some delving into 3D anaglyph photography. Basically, it involves taking two images separated by a short distance (baseline) and then combining them into a single image. They are viewed by using red-cyan glasses.

Last month I posted a couple images taken with my friend's twin digital cameras on my web site. The images are of me, taken by him, and of him, taken by me.


Do you happen to have a pair of red-cyan 3D glasses? If not, e-mail me and I'll send a pair off to you in the mail.

Without the glasses the images look rather blurry, but with the glasses they sharpen up.



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