Monday, March 07, 2005

blue skys...LA tommorow, LW&T

finally leaving for LA tommorow via Deltasucks. I have prepared provisions for the hungry cold flight out west. I have extra clothes, long underwear, pillow, blanket, gobstoppers, poprocks, gum, bananas, water, cashews, jelly beans, two peanut butter and jellies, yathzee, chemistry stuff, mp4/3 player, poprocks, camera, palm, flashcards, and hershey kisses(that way if I die, you know I died somewhat happy).If for some reason I do not return please! big weekend funeral party somewhere lovely with a stocked bar, live band and dancing. Also, make sure all my crap goes to my best friends (you know who you are). (Body if intact goes to science.)


At 4:30 PM, March 14, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm psyched that you had a great time in LA, but are you the official spokesperson or JuckfoodJunkie? Or what? And for real, you have poprocks covered twofold, but that's just making fun of you for typing it twice or did you really cart that much with you that you had to list it twice. These are things that inquiring minds want to know!

At 9:33 PM, March 14, 2005, Blogger Jean said...

sorry! only one poprocks should have been reported in my inventory. The gobstoppers were terrible so I only ate half a box-I am offically off of gobstoppers forever. I haven't had a jelly bean since Thursday and poprocks for the airplane turned out to be a bad idea...they make you paranoid. You can't tell if everyone can hear them or not.

one of the highlights of my trip was when I got a whole row of seats for the airplane ride out there because some mean guy laughed at me boarding the plane with all my food, blankets and pillows....we were both sitting in a row of three all alone(the rest of the plane was packed tight) and as a big woman boarded the plane I willed her to his row. needless to say, I had the last laugh as I reclined across my row, set up my silk pillow and blanket and broke out a bedtime snack.


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