Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Greensboring Botanical Gardens and Ballet

we went to the greensboring botanical gardens yesturday evening. It had some nice sculptures within but I think it also needs more smelly plants like herbs, peppermints, honey suckle etc etc. The street sounds were a little much so I would like to suggest an organic sound wall along the gardens loud roads. Also, to get from one section to another you have to walk across a road were people are speeding along. A walking bridge needs to be put in.

what a total snoozer the greensboro ballet put on last night. Seventy dollars right down the drain. What was worse is since we were front row center we had to wait to the break to leave as to not to be rude. When someone is paying money to see a show, get out there and perform and give them their moneys worth and then some. Put more than two weeks work into it. The woman who announced the ballet at the beginning said it took two weeks to put together...I couldn't believe she actually admitted that.
Anyway, the weather is beautiful here. Warm enough to keep the balcony sliding door open.
well back to studying for my chemistry exam, which is tommorow night.


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