Sunday, July 24, 2005

every minute counts

some friends of mine in greensboro just lost a close friend and recieved the news last night while at a party . I feel sad and sorry for everyone.I just ask God (or whatever you choose to call that which is watching over us) to take care of him and those left behind. all morning I hve been trying to figure out what do you do when friends lose a friend? I guess friends of the grieving can help friends remember them...maybe reminding them to think of all the good things, the fun things, the funny things, the kind things that they said and did.
one think I know for sure is that when there is a bad ending to life (short-lived, sucide, planecrash, car accidents, other) i think do not focus on the end but celebrate in the good memories. I think it important to honor those we lose by living your life as well as possible.
i remember from growing up learning to coach swimming we were taught to focus on creating memories because in the end it's all we true.
also, random thought...Psalm 23 is also the best Psalm ever...if you are ever really suffering I suggest you memorize it and say it because it helps....but with this you have to look up in a book or on the internet what it means...if you don't have the full meaning it won't do as much good.
one more random something on the view presentation button found on this website and watch this entire flash movie:


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